Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Just be an American

What would you say if I told you that I wanted to seek out and buy only from Caucasian owned companies? What if I said that my family and I will do without before buying from any company not Caucasian owned? This would be for every single item or service we purchase- grocery stores, dry cleaners, daycares, mortgage companies and so on. Then, what if I took this "goal" of mine and started a movement, teaching other Caucasian individuals how they can do the same thing. Would these actions make me racist? Prejudice? ABSOLUTELY. I would hope that my friends and family would not tolerate behavior like this from me without speaking up.

However, the plan I described above is exactly what one family is doing in Atlanta, GA. They have started an entire movement that is being called "Buy Black" and it is catching on- people even keep track of the money they have spent with a website the founder family opened up. See link below...

Why not just BUY AMERICAN? Why continue the shameful legacy of prejudice behavior, only in reverse order? Just BE AMERICAN with us! With everyone!

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